Origin Story

A few days ago, I joined a group of individuals in a beautiful chapel for a cohesive inter-faith forum for each of us to narrate our “Origin Story.” For those who may be unfamiliar, the dictionary defines Origin Story as “… a backstory, or established background narrative, that informs the identity and motivations of heroes …

Traditions … to die for

Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines Tradition, inter-alia, as … an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior cultural continuity in social attitudes, customs …. I fondly recall the tradition of “Jhoote Maaiyyaan” (also “Jhoote Maattey”) prevalent in Punjabi (and no doubt, other) families.  “Jhoote” is an expression loosely defining the act of providing a …


Maarsii.  Nakurmiik.  Miigwech.  Thank you.  Merci.  Dhanyavad.  Shukriya.  Shukran.  Danke.  Tashakkor.  Asante.  Na gode. Most languages and local dialects the world over have an expression for “thanks”.  Saying “Thank you” or “Thanks” is now almost intuitive, whether to a service provider, a friend or family member offering something or to a stranger helping us through …